This blog is, for me, an exercise in embracing the suck. While I’m not a perfectionist (since I never really finish anything) I am quite conscious about the quality of what I create.

It would therefore be very easy to write dozens of drafts without ever publishing anything.

But embracing the suck means putting imperfect things into the public and letting others judge you based on them. Why is being judged by others a good thing? First of all, its a great motivator to improve. While you might be your own worst critic, you will want to produce quality if it will reflect you as a person. Secondly improvement always comes incrementally. Thinking you will shock the world with your brilliance once you publish will surely backfire. Failing quickly and often is the best way to improve. If you do not try you cannot fail.

In essence I’m purposefully lowering my own expectations of myself whenever I publish something. Rather that tweaking and rewriting I will attempt to write once, review and tweak once, then publish.

Please note: Spelling mistakes are the sole responsibility of whatever word processing I’m using, I take no responsibility…